The purpose of this Application is to seek approval to permit the use of the enzyme Pullulanase from Bacillus licheniformis as a processing aid in brewing and starch processing.
Approval Report - 30 September 2019 (pdf 903 kb) | (word 147 kb)
Supporting document 1 - Risk and technical assessment report (at Approval) (pdf 1.07 mb) | (word 331 kb)
Department of Health & Human Services
New Zealand Food & Grocery Council
Call for submissions - 6 June 2019 (pdf 906 kb) | (word 140 kb)
Supporting document 1 - Risk and technical assessment report (pdf 438 kb) | (word 78 kb)
Administrative Assessment Report - 26 June 2018 (pdf 253kb) | (word 58Kb)
Application (pdf 1366 kb)
Executive summary (pdf 344 kb)
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