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The FSANZ 2024 Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey is now open | Take the survey

Feedback and complaints

Your feedback is important to us. It helps us identify things we do well and those we need to improve.

You should tell us if you feel that:

  • we don't do our work in line with stated procedures
  • the service provided by us does not meet acceptable standards or your expectations, or
  • any aspect of our services or our decision making processes are unsatisfactory.

Making a complaint

We are committed to handling complaints in a fair and confidential manner. While some complaints can be resolved quickly, complex matters may take time to resolve.

Before making a formal complaint, you should discuss the issue with the person you have been dealing with. If you are not satisfied with the response, ask to talk to the staff member's manager.

Should the matter still not be resolved to your satisfaction, you should contact the Complaints Manager by emailing

The Complaints Manager will discuss the problem with you, help you prepare a written complaint, review the options and circumstances, and recommend any action that should be taken to the Chief Executive Officer of FSANZ.

On some occasions, we may call in a qualified mediator to help clarify issues, explore options and look for solutions. He or she will not impose a decision upon either party.

We will provide you with a copy of the recommendations, the outcome of your complaint and the reasons for the decision.

The Ombudsman

If you are still unhappy with our decision you may approach the Commonwealth Ombudsman in Australia who will review your complaint and the response given by FSANZ.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal

If you are not satisfied because FSANZ has rejected an application or has abandoned a proposal you can ask for an internal review and/or apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in Australia for review of that decision.

Page last updated 27 September 2024