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Temporary food premises

If your business sells food at temporary events like markets, you need to meet the same food safety requirements as other food businesses, regardless of the size of your business or how often you sell food. 

What are temporary food premises?

Temporary food premises are structures that are:

  • used to sell food at occasional events like a fete, market or show
  • dismantled after the event, like a stall, tent or barbeque stand.

They can also include parts of structures or land, and permanent structures not owned or leased by the business and used occasionally (e.g. a community hall).

What are the requirements?

  • Food businesses using temporary premises must comply with the Food Standards Code, including:
  • Standard 3.2.2 - Food Safety Practices and General Requirements
  • Standard 3.2.3 - Food Premises and Equipment
  • Part 1.2 - Labelling and Other Information Requirements.

Getting started

  • before you start your business you must notify your local council
  • charities and community groups may not need to notify if only low-risk food is sold - check with your council.

Food safety skills and knowledge

  • everyone in your business who handles food needs to know how to keep it safe to eat
  • you or someone in your business may need formal training e.g. a certified food safety supervisor - check with your local council
  • fundraising events selling only low-risk foods (e.g. canned drinks, packaged lollies) or food that is cooked on-site and eaten straightaway (e.g. sausage sizzle) may be exempt from training
  • regardless, all food handlers must meet health, hygiene and other food safety standards requirements.

Premises design

  • the temporary premises where your food is handled should be designed and fitted out to handle food safely and avoid contamination
  • see the diagram within Safe Food Australia for a guide to stall design - check with your council to be sure.

Prevent contamination

  • protect food at all times from pests, dirt, animals, chemicals, waste and people
  • keep food contact surfaces like table tops, utensils and containers clean and sanitary
  • wash and dry hands thoroughly before handling food
  • do not handle food if you are sick
  • keep raw foods separate from ready-to-eat foods - e.g. use different cutting boards, store raw food away from ready-to-eat food
  • use food-safe containers and wrapping
  • use a drinking-quality water supply.

Safe food temperatures

  • potentially hazardous foods (e.g. food that contains meat, egg and dairy) must be kept cold (5°C or colder) or hot (60°C or hotter) during receipt, storage, display and transport
  • prepare food quickly to minimise time out of the fridge
  • cook food to safe temperatures (e.g. 75°C for poultry and minced meat)
  • cool cooked food quickly to store in the fridge and within required timeframes
  • know the critical limits for safety (e.g. acidity, water activity) for the processes you use.

More information



Page last updated 6 December 2023